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TOS Command Terminal

:/ Enter Command

Start typing and see where it leads you... or use one of the prompts listed below.

  • home

  • services

  • work

  • connect

  • store

  • bw

  • negative

  • reset

  • close

ESC to close


Just Like Cart Magic

Carrot is a plug-in that saves items in your cart and categorizes them by retailer, allowing users to create personalized folders.

We collaborated with stakeholders to craft the brand's visual language and product experience. Our work included developing the tone of voice, branded assets, 3D graphics, product design, UI/UX, motion graphics, and marketing materials.

Every element aligns with Carrot's innovative identity, providing a cohesive and engaging online shopping experience.

Carrot Image
Carrot Image
Carrot Image
Carrot Image
Carrot Image
Carrot Image