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Cult Gaia

The Art of Making a Statement

Cult Gaia

Cult Gaia, known for its unique, must-have products, needed an eCommerce experience that captured its essence. We embraced the brand's admiration for the female form with graphical elements and typography reflecting product influences.

Our design pushed Shopify to its limits, creating an immersive, visually stunning online store. We curated a layout that highlighted the elegance of the products and used visual elements to reflect the brand's distinctive aesthetic, delivering a shopping experience worthy of Cult Gaia's lifestyle-enhancing offerings.

Cult Gaia
Cult Gaia Mobile
Cult Gaia Mobile
Cult Gaia Mobile
Cult Gaia Mobile
Cult Gaia Mobile
Cult Gaia Mobile
Cult Gaia
Cult Gaia Mobile
Cult Gaia
Cult Gaia